Our Dad - The Unsung Hero who saved countless lives

If you’re in the army, or know someone who is or has been in the past thirty years, the chances are the equipment keeping them safe on tour was designed by my dad.

Jeff Walker designed missile detection equipment that saved the lives of hundreds, if not thousands of British service personnel.

Dad in his happy place - high up the mountains

Today, 6th January 2025 is the first anniversary of his death.

Dad’s achievements could not be publicly acknowledged during his lifetime due to the Official Secrets Act, although he was invited to 10 Downing Street and personally thanked by Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

For years Dad travelled the world with BAE Systems working alongside the British Army, testing his designs under various conditions from mountains to deserts. From Algiers to India, from Germany to the US, not forgetting the many exercises on Salisbury Plain.

He was immensely proud that his work had a lasting impact, saving lives in war zones.

RIP Dad. We are so proud of you and all that you achieved. 

#JeffWalker #HiddenHero #LifeSaver #ProudLegacy #MissileDetection #UnsungHero #BAESystems #MilitaryTechnology #SavingLives #InLovingMemory #AnniversaryTribute #HeroBehindTheScenes #FamilyPride #LegacyOfExcellence #RIPJeffWalker


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