"We could talk about Andrew Tate’s influence on me”
"We could talk about Andrew Tate and his brother's influence on me and how he has influenced other men and young teens."
Those are the words of a sixteen year old from Banbury in Oxfordshire who emailed me asking to appear as a guest on my podcast.
David wanted to talk about the business inspiration he got from listening to Tate’s podcasts.
Andrew Tate has been charged with multiple counts of sexual assault.
He is also being held in high regard by impressionable young men. Can a sixteen year old distinguish between Tate the businessman and Tate the alleged abuser?
Young men are increasingly influenced by Andrew Tate.
What does it tell us about society when the US President gets a travel ban against a man who is on human trafficking charges for crimes against women, lifted?
Self-proclaimed misogynist brothers Tristan and Andrew Tate have been charged in Romania with sexual misconduct, organised crime and money laundering - which they deny.
This hasn't stopped Spotify from peddling Andrew Tate's "Pimping Hoes" podcast, which he dubs a PhD degree course. The content is even more vile than it sounds and promotes controlling women through psychological manipulation and coercive control. He holds his hatred of woman up as a badge of honour. Tate describes how men can seduce women and then set up a webcam to exploit them by getting them to perform sex acts on camera while the men keep the money.
The lifting of the travel ban, the promotion of his degrading and hateful podcasts are normalising mistreatment of women. To impressionable young men, Tate is being held up as hero railing against an oppressive system seeking to crush white men. This is dangerous territory.
A study by King’s College London’s Policy Institute and Global Institute for Women’s Leadership in partnership with Ipsos found that one in five (21%) men aged 16 to 29 who have heard of Andrew Tate say they have a favourable view of him. Three in 10 (30%) young men aged 16 to 29 say Tate raises important points about real threats to male identity and gender roles – far higher than any other age/gender group.
When material like Tate’s podcast is allowed to flourish, other abuse of women can be seen as “less bad” in comparison. Some might argue it’s a gateway to worse abuse. Just this week it was revealed that triple murderer Kyle Clifford watched Andrew Tate videos before killing and raping his ex girlfriend, her mother and her sister.
I didn’t allow David a platform on my podcast because I’m not willing to discuss Andrew Tate, in the same way I’m not willing to discuss the possibility that the Holocaust never happened or that global warming doesn’t exist. The facts speak for themselves. I worry about young men like David who are being subjected to Tate and his ilk. And I worry about the next generation of women who will fall victim to these women-haters and control freaks.
Do I believe in freedom of speech? Yes.
But I do not believe in freedom of hate speech.
#EndMisogyny #WomensRights #StopViolenceAgainstWomen #CoerciveControl #HumanRights #HoldMenAccountable #NoToHateSpeech #ToxicMasculinity #SocialMediaResponsibility #StopNormalizingAbuse #PlatformAccountability #AndrewTateExposed #TateBrothers #MisogynyKills #BoycottTate #ToxicInfluence